If you as an external stakeholder of Ensto detect any misconduct, illegal or unethical behavior regarding Ensto or violation of Ensto Code of Conduct, please report it via our online reporting channel called SpeakUp. SpeakUp is an independent misconduct reporting platform hosted by a third party People Intouch B.V. SpeakUp enables to report compliance issues anonymously in multiple languages. All suspected violations will be investigated in confidence. All violations will also be reported to the Board of Directors of Ensto.
All reports made in SpeakUp are treated confidentially. The channel allows for completely anonymous reporting and you can submit your message in the language of your choosing. The report will be translated if necessary.
You can submit a report on the web service. Please remember to include all information that is relevant for the investigation. All reports are anonymous, if the reporter chooses not to add any contact information to the report. However, please note that further information may be needed for the investigation to be completed. Because of this, it is desired that some sort of contact information be mentioned in the report. All reports are handled with strict confidentiality. If the report is anonymous and the whistleblower does not respond to questions sent via SpeakUp, it may be impossible to finalize the investigation.