There are many reasons for fault situations and service breaks in the power grid. They can cover e.g. trees falling on an overhead line, extreme weather conditions, birds and small animals, and excavation or maintenance work.
Ensto’s ABC (Aerial Bundled Cable) protection solutions for low voltage networks minimize the faulty area, shorten the cut-off time and finally, guarantee uninterrupted power distribution to the end users even during malfunction of the line. Ensto’s international solutions are suitable for various aerial bundled cable systems and are designed to meet the local conditions and requirements considering various conditions in urban, rural, and forested areas, the density of population and climate.
The protection of low voltage ABC saves money, time, and the environment. Our products such as pole fuse switch disconnectors and pole mounted circuit breakers are easy to install and use, and their reliability and safety has been proved in numerous tests in accordance with IEC and national standards. The life-cycle impact of the products on the environment has been minimized and products last in the power grid for decades.