Why do we need ABC protection for low voltage?

There are many reasons for fault situations and service breaks in the power grid. They can cover e.g. trees falling on an overhead line, extreme weather conditions, birds and small animals, and excavation or maintenance work.

Ensto’s ABC (Aerial Bundled Cable) protection solutions for low voltage networks minimize the faulty area, shorten the cut-off time and finally, guarantee uninterrupted power distribution to the end users even during malfunction of the line. Ensto’s international solutions are suitable for various aerial bundled cable systems and are designed to meet the local conditions and requirements considering various conditions in urban, rural, and forested areas, the density of population and climate.

The protection of low voltage ABC saves money, time, and the environment. Our products such as pole fuse switch disconnectors and pole mounted circuit breakers are easy to install and use, and their reliability and safety has been proved in numerous tests in accordance with IEC and national standards. The life-cycle impact of the products on the environment has been minimized and products last in the power grid for decades.  

Low voltage pole fuse switch disconnector SZ160 and SZ400 families

Enstos' pole fuse switch disconnector range covers 160 A and 400 A families. The products are very easy to install and, thanks to their durability, they operate in the electricity network for several decades even in harsh weather conditions.

The pole fuse switch disconnectors can be operated from the ground by using the operating stick and separate terminal covers make the installing easy and safe. Their reliability and safety has been proved in numerous tests in accordance with IEC and national standards, which is a huge benefit for the customers. 

Ensto pole fuse switch disconnector SZ160.3


  • Safe and easy to install
  • Separate terminal covers
  • Operating stick
  • Suitable for extreme conditions
  • Type tested
  • Laser marking
  • Robust locking mechanism

See pole fuse switch disconnectors product pages

Low voltage pole fuse switch disconnector RY150450

For protecting stranded overhead cables and underground cables in low voltage networks. Fuse-switch can be operated from the ground level by using operating stick. The fourth pole is a fixed solid neutral connection. It is opened and closed together with the other phase-poles. Connectors included 8 x V-type 4835 N240 terminal clamps.

Low voltage pole fuse switch disconnector RY150450


  • Operating stick
  • Safe and easy to install
  • Suitable for extreme conditions

See RY150450 product page

Low voltage pole mounted circuit breakers D165T and D265T

The protection and management of low/medium voltage transformers in rural areas requires the use of specific circuit breakers adapted to significant load imbalances and thus guarantees the total use of the installed power even in unbalanced conditions. These devices (4 poles - 3 protected) use air-break technology with chambers with metal partitions to cut the arc.

The main advantage of the digital trip, is to follow the thermal image of the transformer, and switch-off when the transformer load will reach the limit level.

Main benefits:

  • Adapted for transformer protection (50 kVA, 100 kVA or 160 kVA).
    Compact and easy to use
  • When the circuit breaker is closed, a spark gap limits the rise in potential of the low voltage neutral from the earth, for a value exceeding 10 kV
  • When the circuit breaker is open, an electrical connection is done between the neutral of the transformer and the ground
  • Limited maintenance operation, in changing fuses when necessary

See circuit breaker product pages


Low voltage circuit breaker D165T & D265T

Installation of Ensto circuit breaker
Installation of Ensto circuit breaker
Installation of Ensto circuit breaker

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LV Pole fuse switch disconnectors

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LV pole circuit breakers

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LV Aerial Bundled Cable

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