Ensto is deeply committed to upholding human rights and promoting sustainable development across all aspects of our operations. Ensto's Code of Conduct serves as the guiding policy for Ensto Group’s operations and sets forth the requirements for Ensto's suppliers. We ensure that all employees and suppliers receive comprehensive information about the Code of Conduct via our trainings. The mandatory trainings ensure a shared understanding of our expectations and principles. Our Code of Conduct for our own operations extends to all parts of Ensto Group, and is accessible to the public on our website. We believe in transparency and strive to demonstrate our commitment to responsible business practices by making our policies easily available to stakeholders. 

Besides our Code of Conduct, which forms the basis of our operations, Ensto has been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) since 2013. Ensto fully embraces the UNGC's principles regarding Human Rights, environmental protection, labor standards, and anti-corruption measures. This commitment is integrated in Ensto's daily business activities and operations, as they strive to integrate sustainability into every level of our operations.

Policies and Procedures

To effectively address actual and potential adverse impacts on fundamental Human Rights, Ensto has a range of policies and procedures, including Ensto's Code of Conduct, Suppliers' Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption and Anti-bribery Policy, and Health and Safety Policy. These serve as guiding frameworks for our ethical behavior and responsible practices.

By embedding respect for human rights into our policies, procedures, and everyday practices, we at Ensto aim to create a positive impact and uphold the principles of human rights within our organization and throughout our operations. We review and improve our approaches continuously in all potential adverse impact areas

We are currently developing Ensto's Human Rights Policy that will be published later.

Human Rights Assessment

In early 2023, Ensto participated in the Business & Human Rights Accelerator, a program in which participants learn about the human rights responsibilities of business and establish an ongoing human rights due diligence process. The six- month-long program was developed by the United Nations Global Compact to help companies begin their human rights journey.

During the program, we assessed the human rights compliance within Ensto and within the whole value chain of Ensto. We conducted local assessments in six of our biggest locations and manufacturing sites (Estonia, India, France, Ireland, Finland, and Norway). Through these assessments, we were able to evaluate potential human rights risks to our own operations, suppliers, customers and communities, and create Ensto's first Business and Human Rights Action Plan. 

United Nations Global Compact

Ensto has been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact since 2013, and we are committed to its principles regarding human rights, environment, labour and anti-corruption. We promote sustainable development in all our daily business activities and operations. We demonstrate this by committing to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact initiative.

Ensto fully embraces the UNGC's principles regarding Human Rights, environmental protection, labor standards, and anti-corruption  measures. This commitment is integrated in Ensto's daily business activities and operations, as they strive to integrate sustainability into every level of our operations

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"Human rights are at the core of Ensto's sustainability work, and we are committed to upholding ethical behavior and respect for human rights. We strive to be a leader in the human rights process and our goal is to further integrate ethical methods in our operations and across the value chain."

Kirsi-Marja Ura

Grievance Mechanisms

At Ensto, we recognize that upholding human rights is of utmost importance in all our business activities. As a responsible company, we are committed to establishing reliable grievance mechanisms that serve as channels for stakeholders to express their concerns and seek solutions. We have embodied our unwavering commitment to accountability and respect for human rights by outlining the grievance mechanisms in place for employees, suppliers, customers, and communities. Through these mechanisms, we aim to ensure that complaints are handled promptly, transparently and fairly, allowing stakeholders to make their voices heard while taking appropriate action where necessary.

Grievance Mechanisms for Employees

Grievance mechanisms for employees include SpeakUp reporting channel, employee surveys, iGrow discussions, trade unions and medical surveys etc.

Grievance Mechanisms for Suppliers

Grievance mechanisms for suppliers include SpeakUp reporting channel, supplier surveys, audits, agreements, trade unions etc.

Grievance Mechanisms for Customers and others

Grievance mechanisms for customers and others include SpeakUp reporting channel, customer surveys, audits, agreements, complaints etc.

SpeakUp reporting channel

Ensto uses an anonymous platform called SpeakUp for reporting unethical activities, violations and concerns. The platform is hosted by a third party, and all violations will be reported to Ensto Management Team and Chair of the Board of Directors. SpeakUp can be used for both internal and external concerns, meaning that also stakeholders, including suppliers, can report any misconduct, illegal or unethical behavior through SpeakUp.


Read more about SpeakUp

Human Rights News